Companies operating offshore in highly demanding and harsh environments require their teams to perform at the highest level in terms of schedule delivery, technical competence and safety.

Acorn Coaching & Development has a proven track record of helping organisations grow and succeed in some of the world’s most challenging and competitive business sectors, from nuclear through to construction and infrastructure.

We accelerate the performance of leaders, teams and individuals within your organisation by increasing skills and knowledge and bringing performance issues to the fore.

Pragmatic no-nonsense approach

Our pragmatic, no-nonsense approach to the delivery of programmes and coaching interventions produces real business benefits through engaging people more effectively. The people Acorn support retain more of what they learn because it is of practical benefit and immediately applicable to their work in the offshore oil and gas sector.

Acorn takes the time to understand your key issues.
We've succeeded in some of the world's most challenging business sectors.
Acorn has identified key aspects that determine success.
It is critical to establish a clear unifying project vision.
Project leadership must maintain an overview of the project vision.
We can accelerate the performance of leadership, teams and individuals.

Acorn takes the time to understand your key issues: your goals, values, strengths and weaknesses, and your clients’ key requirements. It creates truly bespoke programmes that draw on vast experience and align with your business strategy.

Proven track record

Profitability is directly affected by the success or failure of a single project, so it is imperative that each one delivers. Acorn has a proven track record of assisting world-class companies to accelerate the performance of their teams.

For more information, take a look at Acorn’s white paper detailing all of the ways in which the performance of project elements can be improved. You can also visit our website or contact us using the details below.