Sentinel Fertigation, a technology company that has developed a platform to quantify nitrogen status in crops, has announced a strategic partnership with Agri-Inject, a crop protection and fertigation products company.
"Sentinel Fertigation's ultimate goal is to lower the annual fertilizer cost for farmers and increase their bottom line," Sentinel Fertigation founder and chief executive officer Jackson Stansell says. "Internet of things technology revolutionizes agriculture from connected field machinery to center pivot monitoring systems. This technology enables wireless transfer of application prescriptions and data quantifying crop productivity and machinery operations. Agri-Inject is taking the lead in bringing this technology to chemigation through its connected injection pump systems."
Stansell's goal is to contribute solutions to the nitrogen management challenges producers face.
The company's technology includes an optimized framework for using imagery of the crop canopy to time fertigation applications. The platform is accessible to farmers and their trusted advisors to help make decisions that improve their bottom line and reduce their environmental impact.
This software and management framework is N-Time™ FMS.
"Sentinel Fertigation is thrilled to partner with Agri-Inject to connect N-Time™ FMS to ReflexConnect variable rate injection pumping systems," Stansell says. "This connection will bridge the gap between chemigation equipment and agronomic recommendations for fertigation by allowing direct transfer of N-Time™'s image-based fertigation prescriptions to ReflexConnect machines in-field and enabling automated as-applied mapping and logging of applied fertilizer."
Ultimately, these advancements will enhance and simplify fertigation management for trusted agronomic advisors and farmers while improving profitability and reducing environmental risk in the process.
"Agri-Inject has always been in the business of improving fertigation operations and outcomes for farmers," Agri-Inject's chief executive officer Erik Tribelhorn says. "We believe that the future of fertigation is connected and data-driven. The technology that Sentinel Fertigation brings to the table demonstrates significant promise for enhancing farmers' profitability and improving irrigated agriculture's environmental impact. Agri-Inject is excited to partner with Sentinel Fertigation to bring their technology to practice."
In addition to the partnership, Sentinel Fertigation has joined The Combine, an agriculture technology incubator located on Nebraska Innovation Campus, a program of Invest Nebraska.