Pollinator Week shines a spotlight on the vital role of pollinators in our agriculture and ecosystems. Pollinators are responsible for approximately one in three bites of food, they promote ecosystem health, and lay the foundation for a sustainable future.
Miles Dakin, Bee Friendly Farming Coordinator, said, "We are very proud of the commitment that we have found in the agricultural community to adding habitat and to adhering to Integrated Pest Management principles on working lands. This past year, we certified over 130,000 acres of farmland for pollinators – that is a big win for both farms and pollinators."
- READ MORE: Become bee friendly farming certified
Laurie Davies Adams, Director of Programs at Pollinator Partnership, added, "Pollinator Week is both a celebration and call to action for pollinator protection. Habitat loss, climate change, pathogens and parasites, pesticide misuse, and more, all threaten pollinators across the globe. Luckily, people around the world are unified in the need to provide pollinators with a sustainable future – farmers, gardeners, land managers, corporations, academic institutions, and government agencies are banning together to bring information and action in support of pollinators."
- READ MORE: Planning for pollinators
While conservation efforts are improving the health and ecosystem for pollinators, many species are still in peril. As a result of P2's commitment and coordination of Pollinator Week, people across North America are motivated to help pollinators, and this is represented in the enthusiastic response that Pollinator Week evokes.
"We are proud that Pollinator Week is recognized by proclamations in nearly every US state and top government agencies. Pollinator Week focuses on expanding the conversation about the health and importance of pollinators, helping people everywhere and of every political stripe increase supportive action for pollinators," said Pollinator Partnership's Executive Director, Kelly Rourke. "We rely on pollinators to bring us 1 in every 3 bites of food. The vital role they play in biodiversity and healthy ecosystems cannot be understated."
- READ MORE: Trees for pollinators
Visit the Pollinator Week website for a list of more than 300 scheduled activities. Some of the events include:
- Facebook Live - Pollinator Themed Cocktails with P2 Canada's Bee City Coordinator, Jordan Phelps
- USDA Pollinator Festival in Washington, DC
- Seed-bomb-making parties at several locations
- Garden tours and planting projects across North America
Learn more at pollinator.org.