The spring starts off with so much anticipation. Farmers are excited to get out their equipment, test out recent upgrades, and smell the dirt. There's so much to prepare before the perfect conditions arrive.
Mother Nature adds in a game of hurry-up-and-wait. Are soil temperatures high enough? Is there rain on the way? When will things dry out?
Once the tractors are rolling and seeds are in the ground, another wave of excitement and anticipation hits. It's all hands on deck.
Here's how farmers on X (formerly known as Twitter) have expressed themselves over the years.
1. Prepare, double check, triple check
Get ready... Are you set? Are you sure? Let's look things over one more time.
2. In awe of history
Sitting in the cab of an air-conditioned tractor surrounded by monitors it's incredible to think how differently the same land was farmed just a generation or two ago. What will the next 100 years bring?
3. Concerned about safety
As planting season gets underway more machinery will be on the road. It's important for farmers and motorists alike to keep safety top of mind. Saving a minute or two isn't worth risking your life.
4. Thankful for family time
Planting season means long hours, but the opportunities to make memories with loved ones are priceless. Take a moment to treasure the special time together.
5. Frustration
No caption necessary.
6. Thrilling jam sessions
Some people prefer to crank the radio racing down the highway. Others are happiest jamming on a sunny day with the planter rolling. How many farmers are singing in the cab this week?
7. Patience to learn (and teach)
This young Iowa farmer is starting early. At just 5 years old, he's learning to plant his first crop.
8. Pausing for little things that are big things
The hustle and bustle of planting season can get crazy. At times it seems there isn't even time to stop for meals. This Iowa farmer took some time to make one local care center resident's day.
9. Tired
Charging full steam ahead to take advantage of good planting conditions is exhausting, but farmers around the country persevere. More coffee, more diesel, more progress.
10. Creative
Little farmers always find unique ways to be just like Mom and Dad.
11. Anxious
Hurry up and wait seems to be a common theme around the Corn Belt this spring. Farmers are getting excited to be back in the rhythm of planting again.
12. Curious
Curious farmers around the country are carefully planting test plots to study the performance of different seed on their farm.
13. Superstitious
There are all kinds of sayings and old wives' tales when it comes to planting and harvesting. Do you have a favorite?
14. Happily soaking up the sunshine
A sunny day makes anybody's day better, right?
15. Cautious and preventive
Before racing to the field, some farmers are carefully doing a bit of preventive maintenance.
16. Praying for rain
In a recent vlog, one farmer admitted, "Farmers like to be beggars and choosers when it comes to the weather."
17. Innovative
Sometimes solving a problem requires a little thinking outside the box. You can count on farmers to come up with a unique fix.
18. Almost behind
With all that is going on, it's hard to get ahead during planting season. Sometimes the best you can do is barely keep up.
19. Teamwork
Teamwork makes the dream work. Many families take turns in the cab to keep planting moving forward.
20. Hopeful
There's something amazing about seeing the first crop emerge out of the soil. A tiny little sprout holds so much hope for bigger things later in the season.
21. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel
This farmer is so close to being done. Only 30 more acres to go. Just keep planting. Just keep planting.
22. Celebration
Cheers to a safe and productive growing season!