Husbands and wives who farm and ranch generally work closely together. During stressful times like harvest, planting, or calving, tensions run even higher than normal. Learn to recognize the early warning signs of stress in your partner and to ease the pressure as best you can. Watching for and acting on these signs will likely make your work and your marriage more enjoyable.
Follow these tips from North Dakota State University Extension for reducing stress in your marriage.
1. Plan ahead.
Set measurable goals for a year from now, five years, and your lifetime. Decide how long you want to farm or ranch, then get busy enjoying what you have decided to do.
2. Communicate without attacking.
Use "I" statements rather than "you" statements. Instead of saying, "You spend too much money," say, "I get worried when we don't discuss major purchases ahead of time."
3. Put your heads together.
When problems arise, schedule time for the two of you to brainstorm as a team. Come up with a plan that works for everyone. Remember, there's nothing you can't solve together.
4. Check in daily.
Take a moment to ask how your spouse is feeling. Really pay attention and look for nonverbal clues.
5. Promote self-esteem.
Let your spouse know you're his or her biggest fan. Say, "One thing I really appreciate about you is ...."
6. Relax.
Make time for a regular date, hold hands, celebrate your life, and laugh at yourselves. Have fun together!