Prevented planting, or failing to plant an insured crop with the proper equipment in a timely manner, is a familiar aspect of crop insurance coverage. Prevented-plant acres pose unique management challenges in the years after a crop isn't planted.
"When soil is left barren, fungi called vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) decrease in number," Paul Yoder, a Pioneer field agronomist, said in a news release. "This VAM helps crops take in phosphorus, zinc and copper, which corn needs throughout its life."
Fallow syndrome is one concern in corn acres where no crop was grown the previous season. The syndrome is associated with a reduction in VAM in the soil, and can result in reduced early-season growth and lower yields.
"Based on Pioneer research, planting soybeans the year after a field is left barren may be the best course of action," Yoder said, in a news release. "Corn may be able to be planted into a clean field, but it risks fallow syndrome."
Weed management plans for seasons following prevent plant acres should include residual pre-plant or pre-emergence herbicides. Timely in-season applications of herbicides with effective modes of action and layered residual activity can help prevent yield loss from late-season weed competition.