Machinery Used Farm Equipment Mower Conditioner Values Mower conditioners are favorites with farmers. By David Davidson, Iron Solutions David Davidson, Iron Solutions David Davidson is a product manager at Iron Solutions. Iron Solutions provides market information, analytics-based intelligence, and cloud-based enterprise systems to facilitate equipment transactions and improve dealer and lender productivity. The company's proprietary valuation model is built from a data-driven understanding of how equipment options, specifications, customization, and the economy impact value. Iron Solutions manages more than 20 million data points annually from thousands of retail sources throughout North America. Iron Solutions uses their data to provide analysis articles on equipment trends and pricing for Successful Farming's Editorial Guidelines Published on August 14, 2019 Close Photo: Photo courtesy of Hesston Corp If you're like me, you have to admit you have feelings for some of your machines. Machines like your first car, your grandpa's tractor, maybe that pedal-powered Singer sewing machine that Granny had – all can carry emotional attachments. The Shark Farmer, Rob Sharkey, knows what I'm talking about. But feelings for a pull-type mower conditioner? That might be a stretch. Or is it? Whether or not feelings impact machine values is hard to say. Here in the marketplace, it becomes evident – even for the lowly mower conditioner – what we like and what we don't like. The numbers don't lie. I researched a set of 38 models of mower conditioners from the leading manufacturers that were sold in the 2015 model year. Now, four years later, the depreciation data on this set overall shows that a typical depreciation with typical usage is 41%. There are a handful among the top manufacturers that seem to be favorites based on their value against other models. They include: Case IH SC101 John Deere 630 Krone EC-3200CRI MacDon R113 Massey Ferguson / Challenger 1383 New Holland 512 You can see in the chart that each of these models has a curve that's above the typical depreciation line after four years (or after three years for the MacDon R113). The MacDon R113 mower conditioner gets special mention beating the curve on three-year depreciation, but it wasn't offered until 2016, so it doesn't yet have a four-year depreciation figure. Of course, there are variations among mower conditioners. You may notice the Case IH model has a sickle bar, while many of the others are disk mowers. The New Holland is a three-in-one, front- and rear-mounted mower. These variations, combined with geography and usage patterns, can affect appraisal value. For this reason, it is important to consider specific configuration and usage when appraising your iron. On average, however, across all regions of North America, these models have a higher used cash value after four years when compared with their peer models. Maybe you could say that among all the mower conditioners, feelings for these models are the strongest. Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! Tell us why! Other Submit