Despite reports of tornadoes and derecho wind in parts of Texas, corn planting, emergence, and silking progress continued across the state, says USDA in the latest Crop Progress report published May 20.
In the Blacklands, South Central Texas, and South East Texas, storms damaged some corn and sorghum, said the report. Up to 15 inches of rain were reported in some areas.
Corn silking
Corn silking has officially begun in south Texas with 31% of the state’s crop silked the week ended May 19. That’s up from 18% the week before and ahead of last year at this time when 27% of the crop had silked. The five-year average is 20%.
Corn emergence
The latest Crop Progress report says Texas corn emerged reached 74%, up 5 points from the previous week. Last year at this time, 76% of the crop was out of the ground. The five-year average is 78%.
Corn planting
According to UDSA’s Prospective Plantings report published on March 28, Texas farmers are expected to plant 2.1 million acres of corn in 2024.
The latest report from the National Agricultural Statistics Services Southern Plains Regional Field Office says field preparation and planting was delayed the week ending May 19 due to wet field conditions in most parts of the state.
The Crop Progress report noted 19% of Texas topsoil has a surplus of moisture.
Statewide, 85% of the corn crop is in the ground. That’s up just 5 percentage points from the week prior. Last year at this time 86% of Texas corn had been planted. The five-year average is 90%.