When it comes to keeping farm equipment running smoothly, it takes detailed maintenance and the proper repairs to avoid expensive breakdowns.
On this page, you'll find lessons for keeping engines, spark plugs, and batteries working well plus tips for winterizing equipment and restoring classic tractors.
Engine repair and horsepower
There's no doubt that engines are the heart of any equipment and keeping the engine happy keeps the machine working in tip-top shape. Engine performance can be based on the torque and horsepower. Learn the differences between the two and how to measure both.
Successful Farming'sEngine Man Ray Bohacz has engine grease and field dirt under his fingernails from a life spent repairing equipment and running a farm. The farmer and repairman answers tough questions from fellow farmers.
Spark plug upkeep
Though diesel engines are often the main worker on the farm, there are numerous gas power plants that also need attention and maintenance. One of these crucial components is the often-ignored spark plug, which has a great effect on engine operation.
From cleaning before removing spark plugs to keeping threads coated with the correct compounds, these tips will save you time and money on future spark plugs and overall engine performance. Our detailed review of used spark plugs can help you diagnose engine issues, including if the engine needs an overhaul.
Battery care
One of the biggest headaches during the cold, winter season is a dead battery when trying to get equipment up and running. Learning these tips and tricks can save money on dead batteries, including how idle life leads to battery death, how to store batteries in cold weather, and how using a smart charger can save money on dead batteries.
Sometimes continuously dead batteries can be perplexing and mind-boggling. Is your battery dead a few hours after its charged? Is it new and still dies quicker than it should? Bohacz has the answer.
Keeping magnetos energized
Magnetos work much like a miniature spring-drive generator. As the drive cog is rotated, the magneto drive wraps up a spring that is positioned between the drive link and the magneto rotor. Sometimes these complex systems can be complicated to find and fix issues. For these reasons, some work on these only an expert can do.
Carburetor care
Carburetors are a key component for there to be combustion for gasoline to run properly throughout the engine. This can only occur if the carburetor does a good job atomizing and emulsifying the gasoline.
Learn how to start the carburetor off on the right foot. From setting the load valve correctly to managing the intital valve settings, these steps will ensure carburetors run smoothly.
Winterizing farm equipment properly
Winterizing equipment can save you time when you need it most during busy seasons and can reduce the expense of repairs. Preventative maintenance can make or break your bank account during the cold season while also saving on backbreaking work.
Running winter fuel, checking fluids, cleaning equipment, and making repairs are a few things you can do in the winter to prepare for the upcoming season.
Another good task for the winter is spending some time going over your sprayer. Before putting it away, follow these steps:
Restoring classic tractors
The foundation of all classic tractors comes in the form of one or more layers of primer. The only issue is deciding what type of primer you need, especially when you consider the number of different types of primer that are available.
When you've done everything you can to fill rust pits and strip old paint from sheet metal, one of the best ways to cover the remaining imperfections is to use a filler primer, also known as heavy-bodied primer or high-build primer.
One last crucial step when maintaining classic tractors is taking the time to discover the history behind the machine.