15 Minutes With a Farmer podcast: Senator Charles Grassley

Senator Charles Grassley and Lisa Foust Prater
Senator Charles Grassley sits down with Successful Farming's Lisa Foust Prater in his office in Washington, D.C. Photo:

Provided by Senator Charles Grassley's Office

Charles Grassley has served in Washington, D.C., for more than half of his 90 years, and he still works to stay close to his roots on the family farm in Butler County, Iowa, northeast of Des Moines.

He sat down with me in his Washington, D.C., office, to talk about growing up on the farm, his mom’s surprise role in political history, and how coming home to Iowa helps keep him grounded in Washington.

Senator Charles Grassley, on his yearly tour of all 99 Iowa counties

It keeps me in touch with people to m sure I don't get Patomac Fever, which means you forgot about your constituents and you're just centered on things that go on here (in Washington, D.C.).

— Senator Charles Grassley, on his yearly tour of all 99 Iowa counties

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